Monday, April 21, 2014

Con Review: Sakura-con

Sakura-con! My very first convention seven years ago. This year, unfortunately, I was not able to complete any of my cosplays I had planned. It was super sad, but I still had a good time. Unfortunately I wasn't able to stay for too long, but I went Friday and Saturday for a few hours.
On Friday I wore Karina from Tiger and Bunny. My friend Amanda was wearing her female Kotetsu cosplay so we walked around together for a little while. I went to the dealers hall for a short while and came across the CUTEST Pokemon prints ever! I absolutely had to buy at least one, although it was hard to not buy all of them. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the name or get a card of the artist because I was just so excited about the picture. On my way out of the dealers hall I grabbed some Taro mochi, and, it was just, just, so bad. I've never tasted worse mochi. After the dealers hall closed I headed to my dad's house and played some video games with him and my boyfriend. We are absolutely addicted to Towerfall Ascension. Its only on Steam and PS4 but it is a great and simple multi-player and is so much fun. After we beat Towerfall Ascension we tried out Trials Fusion, which is just like your old Trials game, but with the feeling of being part aperture labratories. All I have to say to this is "~Welcome to the Futuuuureee. Man, Machine, the Futuuuuurrrreee~"

On Saturday I regrettably slept longer than I expected so didn't spend as much time at con than I wanted. I dressed in a pastel goth outfit I put together, which I was pretty excited about because I really like the style, but never thought I had stuff to make the outfit. I took pictures with some photographers, but haven't gotten any of them back yet. As far as cosplay goes, my friend Amanda finished her Penny cosplay from RWBY and made her cool swords! Pretty awesome! I also ran into my friend Alli who was cosplaying Cowslip Lapras Gijinka which was beautiful! And lastly check out this awesome Police box Transformer~ That's about it for my convention, I wasn't around enough to make very many observations about how the con itself was run, but I have heard on Facebook that it was fairly confusing. My next con is SAN DIEGO COMIC CON! Oh man I'm so excited and a little scared. I'm going with my dad and we only got tickets for Thursday and Sunday, so I'm debating if I should cosplay or not. What do you think?

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